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Rush Hour Terror


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As george psaradakis, 49, drove a No. 30 double-decker red bus through the streets of London last Thursday, there were signs that something was wrong. The city's traffic-never easy—was in a state of chaos. Thousands of commuters had left Underground train stations and were milling about the streets looking for alternative ways to get to work. Few of them had any idea of the scale of the devastation below: moments before, three bombs had gone off in the space of a minute on London's Underground railway. Psaradakis, whose bus was packed, had been forced to divert from the main roads into the leafy squares of Bloomsbury, home to the colleges of the University of London.
机译:上周四,当49岁的乔治·帕拉达基斯(George Psaradakis)在伦敦的街道上开着30号双层红色巴士时,有迹象表明出了点问题。这座城市的交通从来都不是一件容易的事,处于混乱状态。成千上万的通勤者离开了地下火车站,到处都是街头,寻找替代的上班方式。他们中很少有人对下面的破坏规模有任何想法:不久之前,伦敦地下铁路上一分钟之内,三枚炸弹爆炸了。帕萨达基斯(Psaradakis)的公共汽车挤满了人,被迫从主要道路转移到布卢姆斯伯里(Bloomsbury)的绿树成荫的广场上,这是伦敦大学学院的所在地。



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