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A Case for the Supreme Court


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As a rule, we at time Inc., publisher of this and many other magazines, believe that we should report the news instead of making it. We also believe in the rule of law, and we do not believe journalists, ours or anyone else's, should be held above it. Sometimes, however, staying out of the news becomes impossible. And sometimes seeking a clarification of our nation's law from its highest court becomes an imperative. We find ourselves in just such a position with TIME magazine and its White House correspondent Matthew Cooper, both of whom have come under extraordinary government pressure to cooperate in an investigation in ways that we believe are unwarranted and potentially damaging to the free flow of information that leads to accountability in our democracy. As this controversy unfolds, we want you to understand the story behind that story.
机译:通常,我们本公司和许多其他杂志的发行人时间公司认为我们应该报道新闻而不是发布新闻。我们也相信法治,我们不认为新闻记者,我们的记者或其他任何记者应被视为法治之上。但是,有时保持不发布消息变得不可能。有时,从最高法院寻求澄清我们国家的法律变得势在必行。我们发现自己在《时代》杂志及其白宫通讯社马修·库珀(Matthew Cooper)中处于这样的位置,这两家公司都受到政府的巨大压力,要求我们开展调查合作,我们认为这是不必要的,并有可能破坏信息的自由流通。导致我们民主制的问责制。随着争议不断发展,我们希望您了解该故事背后的故事。



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