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In Dog We Trust


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In these dog days of summer, let's consider the most important decision facing Barack Obama. Long ago, as he set out on this race, he made the one campaign promise he can under no circumstances break: that when it was all over, whatever happened, his daughters could get a dog. Should this turn out to be the new First Dog, the weight of history will fall on his haunches. Things have changed since the days when George Washington could name his hounds Drunkard, Tipler and Tipsy. Warren Harding's Airedale Laddie Boy had a valet and occupied a hand-carved chair at Cabinet meetings. Ulysses S. Grant told his White House staff that if anything happened to his son's beloved Newfoundland, they'd all be fired. Teddy Roosevelt had, along with a badger, a toad, some snakes and a pig, a bull terrier named Pete who once ripped the pants of a French ambassador. Cousin Franklin's dog Fala had a press secretary, starred in a movie and was named an honorary private in the Army. George H.W. Bush's springer spaniel Millie wrote a book, which sold more copies than the President's autobiography. And then, of course, there was Checkers. Harry Truman supposedly once said, You want a friend in Washington? Get a dog.
机译:在暑假的这些日子里,让我们考虑一下巴拉克·奥巴马面临的最重要的决定。很久以前,当他开始参加这场比赛时,他做出了一个竞选承诺,在任何情况下都不会中断:当一切结束时,无论发生什么事,他的女儿都可以养狗。如果这真是新的“第一只狗”,那么历史的重担将落在他的腰上。自从乔治华盛顿(George Washington)可以将他的猎犬命名为醉汉(Drunkard),蒂普勒(Tipler)和蒂普西(Tippy)以来,情况就发生了变化。沃伦·哈丁(Warren Harding)的Airedale Laddie Boy设有代客,并在内阁会议上占据了手工雕刻的椅子。尤利西斯·格兰特(Ulysses S. Grant)告诉白宫工作人员,如果他儿子所钟爱的纽芬兰发生任何事情,他们都会被开除。泰迪·罗斯福(Teddy Roosevelt)带着a,蟾蜍,一些蛇和猪,还有一个叫皮特(Pete)的斗牛犬,他曾经撕破了法国大使的裤子。表亲富兰克林的狗法拉(Fala)拥有新闻秘书,出演了一部电影,并被任命为陆军荣誉名誉人物。乔治·H·W布什的史宾格犬史密斯(Millie Millie)写了一本书,销量超过了总统的自传。然后,当然有Checkers。据说哈里·杜鲁门(Harry Truman)曾说过:您想在华盛顿认识一个朋友?养狗



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