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Machinae Et Orgia: Post-Revolutionary Theatre Machines in the Soviet Union of the Early Twentieth Century

机译:Machinae Et Orgia:20世纪初的苏联革命后剧院机器

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Machines as they have been conceptualised in the works of Flix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze are based on applications mainly in two fields: war and theatre. This article follows the second line from the ancient deus ex machina right down to Tretyakov's and Eisenstein's orgiastic experiments in the early Soviet Union. Here the machine was given its threefold diversification as biomechanics according to Meyerhold's theatre experiments, as the constructivism of the technical apparatuses and things on stage, and as the social machine of the Theatre of Attractions. The machine material of Soviet theatre encompassed the bodies of the actors, the construction and the audience. The montage of physical movements in biomechanics, the montage of technical apparatuses in the constructivist stage settings and the montage of the audience as a social machine sought not only a composition of organic, technical and social machines, but also the 'becoming-orgiastic' of the organs, the flows of the technical constructions and the insurrection of the social machines.
机译:Flix Guattari和Gilles Deleuze的作品中所概念化的机器主要基于战争和戏剧两个领域的应用。本文沿用第二行,即从古老的德乌斯·德·马夏纳(deus ex machina)到苏联早期的特列季亚科夫(Tretyakov)和爱森斯坦(Eisenstein)的矫正实验。在这里,根据梅耶德(Meyerhold)的戏剧实验,该机器具有多种多样的生物力学功能,包括舞台上的技术设备和事物的建构主义,以及景点剧院的社交机器。苏联剧院的机器材料包括演员的身体,建筑和观众。生物力学中的身体运动的蒙太奇,建构主义舞台环境中的技术设备的蒙太奇,以及作为社会机器的观众的蒙太奇,不仅寻求有机的,技术的和社会的机器的组成,而且还寻求生物的“成为有机体”。器官,技术结构的流动和社会机器的暴动。



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