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Dog Eat Dog: Who is in Charge of Controlling Art in The Post-Socialist Condition?


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The article explores what happens when artists attempt to control art in order to 'solve' conflicting definitions of art in the post-Socialist condition with the use of two case studies. In the case of Little Warsaw, a Hungarian artist duo, representatives of the ex-unofficial and underground artists were eager to take over the disappearing state control and claim authoritarian power to define the boundaries of art and police fellow artists. In the second case radical Russian artists, such as Oleg Kulik and Alexander Brener, Western artists and curators declared themselves the guardians of standards and norms in their desire to keep the status quo of Cold War art discourse alive and maintain their dominant position within it. The author refers back to the heritage of censorship employed by artists towards fellow artists and to the hidden history of gate-keeping in modern art.
机译:本文通过两个案例研究,探讨了当艺术家试图控制艺术以“解决”后社会主义条件下相互矛盾的艺术定义时会发生什么。在匈牙利艺术家二人组华沙(Little Warsaw)案中,前非官方和地下艺术家的代表急于接管不断消失的国家控制,并声称拥有界定艺术和警察同伴界限的威权。在第二种情况下,激进的俄罗斯艺术家,例如奥列格·库利克(Oleg Kulik)和亚历山大·布雷纳(Alexander Brener),西方艺术家和策展人宣称自己是标准和规范的捍卫者,他们渴望保持冷战艺术话语的现状并在其中保持主导地位。作者回顾了艺术家对同伴的审查制度的传承,以及现代艺术中守门的隐秘历史。



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