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'This case is a case against the whole industry'


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"The Environment Agency might feel it has won a case but all it has done is misled the public and further undermined confidence in recycling unnecessarily," says Michael Topham, Biffa's chief executive. Topham is referring to one of the waste sector's highest profile prosecutions in recent years. In September 2019, Biffa was ordered to pay almost £600,000 after being found guilty of illegally exporting seven 25-tonne containers of mixed paper containing household waste to China in 2015. The waste company maintained the material comprised 98.5% of waste paper - the industry standard -so could be legally exported. But Wood Green crown court found in favour of the Environment Agency (EA), which considered the consignments to have contained unsorted household recycling waste. Exports of such waste are banned. The EA says that, although marked as waste paper, the containers also held soiled nappies, food packaging, items of clothing and bags of faeces.
机译:Biffa首席执行官迈克尔·托普汉姆(Michael Topham)表示:“环境署可能认为它已经赢得了诉讼,但所做的一切却误导了公众,并进一步削弱了人们对不必要的回收利用的信心。” Topham指的是近年来废物部门最引人注目的起诉之一。 2019年9月,Biffa被判支付近600,000英镑的罚款,原因是该公司被判有罪于2015年向中国非法出口七个装有生活垃圾的25吨集装箱混合纸,其中包含98.5%的废纸-工业standard -so可以合法出口。但是伍德格林格林王储法院对环境署(EA)表示青睐,该机构认为这批货物中包含未分类的家庭回收废物。禁止出口此类废物。环保署说,这些容器虽然标有废纸,但也装有脏的尿布,食品包装,衣物和粪便袋。



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