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Deployment and Contingency Contracting


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The Civilian Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Council (FAR Councils) published an interim rule through FAR Case 2005-038, Emergency Acquisitions. This interim rule revises FAR part 18, Emergency Acquisitions, "to provide a single reference to acquisition flexibilities that may be used to facilitate and expedite acquisitions of supplies and services during emergency situations." The interim rule does not provide any additional emergency acquisition flexibilities, policies, or procedures. Rather, part 18 provides a single reference for the various flexibilities located throughout the FAR. The interim rule became effective on 5 July 2006, and comments were due by 5 September 2006. Part 18 is divided into two subparts: subpart 18.1, Available Acquisition Flexibilities, which "identifies the flexibilities that may be used anytime and do not require an emergency declaration;" and subpart 18.2, Emergency Acquisition Flexibilities, which "identifies the flexibilities that may be used only after an emergency declaration or designation has been made by the appropriate official." The Emergency Acquisition Flexibilities subpart is further divided into three sections: Contingency Operation, Defense or Recovery from Certain Attacks, and Incidents of National Significance, Emergency Declaration, or Major Disaster Declaration.
机译:民事机构采购委员会和国防采购委员会(FAR Councils)通过FAR第2005-038号案件“紧急采购”发布了一项临时规则。该临时规则修订了FAR第18部分的“紧急采购”,“提供了在紧急情况下可用于促进和加快采购物资和服务的采购灵活性的单一参考。”临时规则不提供任何其他紧急采购灵活性,政策或程序。相反,第18部分为整个FAR中的各种灵活性提供了单一参考。该临时规则于2006年7月5日生效,评论应于2006年9月5日到期。第18部分分为两个子部分:第18.1子节,可用的购置灵活性,“确定可随时使用且不需要紧急情况的灵活性。宣言;”第18.2小节“紧急情况获取的灵活性”,“标识只有在适当的官员作出紧急声明或指定后,才能使用的灵活性。”紧急情况获取灵活性子部分又分为三个部分:紧急情况操作,防御或从某些攻击中恢复,具有国家重要意义的事件,紧急情况声明或重大灾难声明。



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