首页> 外文期刊>The architects' journal >Back Issues It's time to follow Annie Choi's example and revive the lost art of the open letter to readers, says Steve Parnell

Back Issues It's time to follow Annie Choi's example and revive the lost art of the open letter to readers, says Steve Parnell

机译:史蒂夫·帕内尔(Steve Parnell)说,是时候效仿安妮·崔(Annie Choi)的榜样,重振公开信给读者的迷途了

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The marginalia of journals, letters pages in particular, are often more revealing than the features and columns, and expose the real vitality of the times. Just like Columbo's 'one more thing' moment, they are the point at which the viewer sees whodunnit. As one Adrian Jones of London wrote in the Architectural Design of February 1972: 'Sir, your magazine is becoming a big internal postal system going from Peter Cook to Warren Chalk to Cedric Price to God knows who else.'
机译:期刊的边缘部分(尤其是信函页面)通常比其功能和专栏更具启发性,并彰显了时代的真正活力。就像哥伦布(Corumbo)的“一件又一件事情”一样,在那一刻,观众可以看到谁不知道。正如伦敦的阿德里安·琼斯(Adrian Jones)在1972年2月的《建筑设计》中写道:“先生,您的杂志正在成为一个庞大的内部邮政系统,从彼得·库克(Peter Cook)到沃伦·粉笔(Warren Chalk)到塞德里克·普莱斯(Cedric Price)到上帝都知道还有谁。”



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