首页> 外文期刊>The architects' journal >Green Sky Thinking ranges from the practical to the absurd, writes Hattie Hartman

Green Sky Thinking ranges from the practical to the absurd, writes Hattie Hartman

机译:哈蒂·哈特曼(Hattie Hartman)写道,“绿色思维”的范围从实践到荒谬

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Online dating for rubbish was just one of the ideas at Open House's Green Sky Thinking debate. The eight presenters: Duggan Morris Architects, Amenity Space, Baca Architects, 5th Studio, Ash Sakula, Jerry Tate Architects, Moxon Architects and Riches Hawley Mikhail Architects, expounded on topics such as homes insulated with lime hemp (currently on site) and biomimicry using flshscales and shells. Speakers were selected from over 20 entries by a jury that included Open House director Victoria Thornton, AJ editor Kieran Long and representatives from Igloo Regeneration, Lend Lease and sponsor Atkins. Following the Pecha Kucha format - a presentation style invented by Klein Dytham architecture in 2003 - each practice was permitted 20 slides and 20 seconds per slide.
机译:在线约会垃圾只是Open House的Green Sky Thinking辩论的主意之一。八位演讲者:Duggan Morris建筑师,Amenity Space,Baca建筑师,第五工作室,Ash Sakula,Jerry Tate建筑师,Moxon建筑师和Riches Hawley Mikhail建筑师,围绕诸如用麻麻绝缘的房屋(目前在现场)和使用仿生技术进行了阐述。鱼鳞和贝壳。评审委员会从20多个参赛作品中选出了发言人,评审团成员包括Open House导演Victoria Thornton,AJ编辑Kieran Long以及Igloo Regeneration,Lend Lease和赞助商Atkins的代表。遵循Pecha Kucha格式(一种由Klein Dytham架构于2003年发明的演示样式),每次练习可使用20张幻灯片,每张幻灯片20秒。



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