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Fadis range of winding & rewinding machines


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Fadis was founded in 1960 with the objective of manufacturing textile machines such as rewinders, soft winders, assembly winders, hank-to-cone winders, reeling machines, spooling machines and intermingling machines which are meant to process all types of yarns such as cotton, wool, silk, artificial fibres, synthetic fibres, mixed fibres, intermingled yarns and fancy yarns. Fadis is now present in more than 70 countries. Its products offer something more, something different. The last generation of Sincro range machines clearly shows the importance it gives to innovation, research and development. Because Fadis' mission is top quality and selectiveness, its products can be nothing else but be the best for more prestigious customers.
机译:Fadis成立于1960年,其目标是制造纺织机器,例如复卷机,软络筒机,组合式络筒机,汉头圆锥络筒机,卷线机,绕线机和混合机,旨在加工各种纱线,例如棉,羊毛,丝绸,人造纤维,合成纤维,混合纤维,混纺纱和花式纱。 Fadis现在在70多个国家/地区设有分支机构。它的产品提供更多,不同的东西。最新一代的Sincro范围机清楚地表明了它对创新,研发的重视。因为Fadis的使命是提供最高品质和选择性,所以它的产品只能是最有名望的客户的最佳选择。



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