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Magyar Telekom makes the best of a bad situation

机译:Magyar Telekom充分利用了糟糕的情况

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Magyar Telekom's new management has coped well with growing broadband competition in the face of a weak economy. Magyar Telekom is Hungary's national incumbent and is 59.2%-owned by German incumbent Deutsche Telekom. It offers ADSL and cable-broadband services via its T-Com and T-Kabel divisions, respectively. It also owns 100% of Emi-tel, a so-called local telecoms operator (LTO) that operates its own local loop in three regions of Hungary. Magyar Telekom and Emitel's franchise area covers 75-80% of the population, including the main cities. The operator is upgrading its network to support ADSL2+, with 40% completed.
机译:面对疲弱的经济,Magyar Telekom的新管理层已经很好地应对了日益加剧的宽带竞争。 Magyar Telekom是匈牙利的国有企业,由德国现任德国电信(Deutsche Telekom)拥有59.2%的股份。它分别通过其T-Com和T-Kabel部门提供ADSL和有线宽带服务。它还拥有Emi-tel 100%的股份,Emi-tel是所谓的本地电信运营商(LTO),在匈牙利的三个地区运营自己的本地环路。 Magyar Telekom和Emitel的特许经营区域覆盖了75-80%的人口,包括主要城市。运营商正在升级其网络以支持ADSL2 +,目前已完成40%。



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