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The Copyright Office asked in a Federal Register notice Tuesday (http://1.usa.gov/WdwWXl)nfor a third round of comments on "adjudicating small copyright claims," a proceeding prompted by Congress.nThe request followed public meetings with stakeholders in the fall (WID Nov 5 p6), which werenpreceded by notices asking for comment in summer 2012 and fall 2011. This most recent request is forn"additional comments on possible alternatives to the current system to improve the adjudication of suchnclaims," the notice said. The office wants feedback on "how a small copyright claims system might benstructured and function, including from parties who have not previously addressed these issues, or thosenwho wish to amplify or clarify their earlier comments, or respond to the comments of others." It's interestednin "the potential benefits and risks of creating a new procedure for adjudicating small copyrightnclaims, as well as how such a system might be implemented — for example, as a new adjudicative body,nas part of the existing federal court system, by extending the jurisdiction of state courts, or as some formnof arbitration or mediation system." Subjects of inquiry for the notice, informed by the public meetings,nare: (1) Voluntary versus mandatory participation. "Members of the public" at the meetings differed onnthe "efficacy of incentives for participation in a voluntary system and the constitutional implications of anmandatory system." The office said it wants to know whether a voluntary system could be implementednon an opt-out basis — deeming defendants to consent to the process unless they opt out within a certainntime frame. (2) Eligible works. In the last round of comments and public meetings, some music organizationsnsaid musical works and sound recordings should be exempt from the system, since creators arenrepresented by publishers, performing rights societies and record companies, the office said. But othersnsaid some artists — "those who are self-represented" — may not have resources to take action or be ablento convince a larger organization to take up their case. The office wants more comment on the subject.n(3) Permissible claims. Commenters and participants noted that "some infringement claims are intertwinednwith other issues" like contractual disputes, "thus suggesting a need for any such [small claims]ntribunal to address these additional types of claims and defenses as well," the office said. Others saidnsuch tangential matters should be excluded from the small-claims process entirely. The office wantsn"further thoughts" on permissible claims and how to address situations where an "additional cause of action" is implicated. (4) Injunctive relief. Though some stakeholders said it should be available fornsituations where infringement "exploits the work in a manner that the copyright owner would not license,nor violates an exclusive arrangement between the copyright owner and a third party," others saidnthat could be complicated for small claims, the office said: It could be "one part of a larger work" suchnas a film, and monetary damages could be small but "economic consequences" could exceed "in valuenany damages cap adopted for the small claims process." The office said it wants to know how the voluntary-nversus-mandatory system would affect injunctive relief in each situation, and whether the federalncourts should have review over such injunctions. (5) Secondary liability. Discussion has touched on thenrelationship of a small claims procedure to Copyright Act Section 512 takedown requirements, and itnwants more comment on that, the office said. (6) Role of attorneys. Some said attorneys should benbarred because they would "tend to favor defendants with greater resources" against plaintiffs representingnthemselves, while others said attorney participation should be encouraged, especially in cases "withna degree of legal complexity" and incentivized through "fee awards" in lower-value cases. (7) "Guidingnlaw." The office asked whether a small-claims tribunal should look "primarily to copyright decisions ofnany particular [federal] circuit" based on its location, the parties' location or where the infringing conductnoccurred. It also asked whether decisions should have "precedential effect" at least within the tribunal,nbecause some told the office that defendants might opt out of a voluntary system if the decisionsn"had effect beyond the immediate dispute." Other subjects for comment include willful and innocentninfringement; how to serve defendants with legal notice; the propriety of a defendant-driven "offers ofnjudgment" process as contemplated in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 68; whether default judgmentsnshould be allowed; how to enforce judgments; whether a "John Doe" ISP subpoena process should benavailable for anonymous defendants; whether a "tiered system" for cases ranging from "straightforwardnclaims" to those of "greater complexity" would be warranted; constitutional issues arising from creatingntribunals outside the federal court system, availability of trial by jury, assertion of personal jurisdictionnand due-process considerations from "abbreviated procedures." The office also asked for thoughts onnallowing foreign plaintiffs to seek U.S. redress and the same for U.S. plaintiffs abroad, and how it wouldnimplicate U.S. agreements in the Berne Convention among others; and for "additional surveys and empiricalnstudies" showing whether copyright owners are now pursuing small claims through the federalncourts, litigation costs to plaintiffs and defendants in federal courts, how often prevailing parties arenawarded costs and fees, and how often litigants appeal state-court judgments. Comments are due Apriln12 (http://1.usa.gov/yHoBdZ).
机译:版权局在星期二的《联邦公报》通知中(http://1.usa.gov/WdwWXl)要求就“裁定小版权主张”进行第三轮评论,这是国会提倡的程序。在秋季(WID 11月5日,第6页)之前,没有在2012年夏季和2011年秋季发布通知要求发表评论的通知。此最新要求是“对当前系统的可能替代方案进行补充评论,以改善对此类要求的裁决”。说过。该局希望获得有关“小型版权声明系统可能如何构建和运行的反馈,包括那些先前未曾解决过这些问题的各方,或者那些希望扩大或澄清其先前评论,或回应其他评论的各方。”它对“建立新的裁决小版权主张的程序的潜在利益和风险,以及如何实施该系统(例如,作为新的裁决机构,是现有联邦法院系统的一部分),通过扩展州法院的管辖权,或某种形式的仲裁或调解制度。”在公开会议上得知的询问主题的对象是:(1)自愿参加与强制参加。会议上的“公众成员”在“参与自愿制度的激励机制的有效性和强制性制度的宪法意义”上有所不同。该办公室表示,它想知道是否可以在不选择退出的基础上实施自愿系统,除非被告在一定时间内退出,否则认为被告同意该程序。 (2)合格作品。该局说,在上一轮的评论和公开会议上,一些音乐组织说音乐作品和录音制品应不受该制度的限制,因为创作者不是由出版商,表演权协会和唱片公司代表的。但是其他人说,有些艺术家-“自我代表的艺术家”-可能没有资源采取行动或无法说服更大的组织来处理自己的案件。办公室希望对此主题发表更多评论。n(3)允许的索赔。评论员和参与者指出,“某些侵权索赔与合同纠纷等其他问题交织在一起”,“这表明也需要任何此类[小额索赔]仲裁庭来解决这些其他类型的索赔和抗辩,”该办公室说。其他人说,此类切向事项应完全排除在小额索赔过程之外。该局希望对可允许的索赔以及如何解决牵涉“其他诉讼因由”的情况“有进一步的思考”。 (4)禁令救济。尽管一些利益相关者表示应该存在侵权的条件,即侵权“以版权拥有者不会许可的方式开发作品,也不会违反版权拥有者与第三方之间的排他性安排,”其他人则说,对于小额索偿,这可能会很复杂,该办公室说:“这可能是一部大片的一部分”,例如电影,金钱损失可能很小,但“经济后果”可能会超过“小额索赔程序所采用的价值损失上限”。该办公室表示,它想知道自愿-反对-强制性制度将如何影响每种情况下的禁令救济,以及联邦法院应否对该禁令进行审查。 (5)次要责任。该办公室说,讨论已经涉及到小额索赔程序与《版权法》第512条删除要求的关系,对此,人们希望对此发表更多评论。 (6)律师的角色。一些人说律师应该被禁止,因为他们会“倾向于偏爱拥有更多资源的被告人”来反对代表中间人的原告,而另一些人则说律师应当受到鼓励,特别是在“法律上没有复杂性”的情况下,尤其是在“低收费”的情况下鼓励律师参与。价值案例。 (7)“指导律”。该办公室询问,小额索赔法庭应根据其所在地,当事方的所在地或未发生侵权行为的情况,“主要看哪一个(联邦)巡回法院的版权决定”。它还询问决定至少在法庭内是否应具有“先例效力”之所以如此,是因为有人告诉该局,如果判决“具有超出直接争议的效力”,被告可能会选择退出自愿制度。其他要评论的主题包括故意和无辜侵权;如何在法律通知下为被告提供服务;联邦民事诉讼规则68所设想的由被告驱动的“判决提供”程序的适当性;是否应允许违约判决;如何执行判决;匿名被告是否应接受“ John Doe” ISP传票程序;是否应为“直率申索”至“更大复杂性”的案件建立“分层制度”;由在联邦法院系统之外建立法庭,可以由陪审团进行审判,主张个人管辖权以及“简化程序”引起的正当程序考虑而引起的宪法问题。该办公室还要求考虑允许外国原告寻求美国的补救措施,以及允许国外的美国原告采取同样的措施,以及如何使《伯尔尼公约》中的美国协定产生影响;对于“其他调查和经验研究”,显示版权拥有者是否现在正在通过联邦法院提起小额索赔,向联邦法院的原告和被告提起诉讼费用,胜诉的各方多久被提起诉讼的费用和费用以及诉讼人多久提起州法院的判决。评论截止日期为Apriln12(http://1.usa.gov/yHoBdZ)。


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    《Telecom A.M.》 |2013年第39期|24-25|共2页
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