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Gps What You Didn't Know


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What is GPS? GPS is short for Global Positioning System. It is a technology for anyone who wants to know where they are, where they have been or to find out how to get somewhere. To start using it, all you need is a GPS receiver. There are no charges apart from the initial cost of hardware. If you decide to go for navigation with detailed maps, then there is usually a one-time charge for that as well. The Basic Premise Imagine the earth to be covered with horizontal and vertical lines; the horizontal ones called latitudes (or parallels, since they are all parallel to each other) and the vertical ones called longitudes (or meridians; they converge at the north and south poles). These lines are further divided into minutes and seconds. Knowing the latitude and longitude of a place, you can get there using GPS.
机译:什么是GPS? GPS是全球定位系统的缩写。对于任何想知道自己在哪里,去过哪里或想知道如何到达某个地方的人来说,这都是一种技术。要开始使用它,您只需要一个GPS接收器。除了硬件的初始成本外,没有其他费用。如果您决定使用详细的地图进行导航,那么通常也要为此一次性付费。基本前提假设地球被水平和垂直线覆盖;水平的称为纬度(或称平行,因为它们彼此平行),而垂直的称为经度(或称子午线;它们在南北两极交汇)。这些行进一步分为分钟和秒。了解某个地方的经度和纬度后,您可以使用GPS到达那里。



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