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Evaluating foresight in transnational research programming


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Global societal challenges require global efforts to address them. Research and innovation are increasingly expected to support such efforts, with limited resources. In this context of high expectations towards R&I, collaboration across borders, both in performing and in programming, is commonly seen as a way to get more results with the same or even less resources. Such collaboration across borders at a European or even global scale faces many challenges. The role of foresight as a supporting tool for transnational research programming has been analysed in a number of cases, but evaluation of its added value has to date largely been unexplored. Building on earlier work how to embed foresight in transnational research programming (TRP), this paper therefore aims to look at how the use of foresight in TRP can be evaluated, and what lessons can be drawn for its future use in support of TRP. Starting from the existing knowledge base on foresight evaluation, an evaluation framework for foresight in TRP is proposed, and tested against the foresight exercise that supported EU Russia S&T collaboration under the FP7 project ERA.Net RUS. The findings have implications for the role foresight can play in tackling societal challenges and increasing competitiveness at European and global level. (C) 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc
机译:全球社会挑战需要全球努力应对。人们越来越期望研究和创新以有限的资源支持这种努力。在对R&I寄予厚望的情况下,通常将跨界的协作(无论是执行还是编程)视为一种使用相同甚至更少资源获得更多结果的方法。在欧洲乃至全球范围内进行这种跨境合作面临许多挑战。在许多情况下,已经分析了远见作为跨国研究计划支持工具的作用,但迄今为止,对其增值的评估在很大程度上尚待探索。因此,本文基于如何将远见卓识纳入跨国研究计划(TRP)的工作,因此着眼于如何评估远见卓识在TRP中的使用,以及可以从中汲取什么经验教训,以供将来在TRP支持中使用。从现有的前瞻性评估知识库开始,提出了TRP中的前瞻性评估框架,并针对支持FP7项目ERA.Net RUS下的欧盟俄罗斯科技合作的前瞻性实践进行了测试。这些发现暗示了远见可以在应对社会挑战和提高欧洲和全球水平的竞争力方面发挥作用。 (C)2016作者。由Elsevier Inc发布



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