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Eye Tracking Methodology: Theory and Practice


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Andrew Duchowski notes in his preface, "Eye tracking finally appears to be entering into mainstream science, where the eye tracker is becoming less of a novelty and more of a tool" (vii). His book introduces you to the theory and physiology behind that tool as well as its practical applications. Significant additions to the first edition include chapters on new eye tracking technology, a section on experimental design and empirical guidelines, and an expanded discussion of eye tracking applications. Although its intended audience is "interdisciplinary" and includes undergraduate and graduate students, portions of the book may be discouragingly technical if you lack a strong computer science background. However, the four-part structure enables you to quickly locate material suited to your background and needs; additionally, each chapter concludes with a helpful summary and discussion of further resources.
机译:Andrew Duchowski在序言中指出:“眼动追踪似乎终于进入了主流科学领域,眼动追踪器已不再是一种新颖性,而是一种工具”(vii)。他的书向您介绍了该工具背后的理论和生理学及其实际应用。第一版的重要新增内容包括有关新眼动追踪技术的章节,有关实验设计和经验准则的章节,以及对眼动追踪应用的扩展讨论。尽管它的目标读者是“跨学科的”,包括本科生和研究生,但是如果您缺乏强大的计算机科学背景,那么本书的某些部分可能会令人沮丧。但是,由四部分组成的结构使您可以快速找到适合您的背景和需求的材料。此外,每一章都以有益的总结和更多资源的讨论作为结尾。



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