首页> 外文期刊>Studies in Philosophy and Education >Hannah Arendt & Jean Baudrillard: Pedagogy in the Consumer Society

Hannah Arendt & Jean Baudrillard: Pedagogy in the Consumer Society

机译:汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt)和让·鲍德里亚(Jean Baudrillard):消费社会中的教育学

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This paper considers the place of education within our “consumers’ society”, beginning with Hannah Arendt’s account of the rise of consumerism to a position of political dominance and the resulting eclipse of public life. Connections are then made between Arendt’s account of this rise and Jean Baudrillard’s account of the postmodern proliferation of signs and the transformation of the sign into a commodity. This radical “semiurgy” accelerates into a self-referential series of signs which entails the loss of reality – it contributes to the disappearance of the human subjectivity behind the creation of images. I argue that Baudrillard does not respond adequately to the dynamic that he describes so well. By contrast, Arendt’s concept of natality, I suggest, prepares the ground for a response to the forces of commodification that colonize the educational environment and threaten its critical possibilities. As youth and schools receive more and more attention from advertisers, students are sold by educational institutions to commercial interests who seek unfettered access to this “captive audience”. Yet education is profoundly compromised when youths are viewed as consumers and not as a social investment, when education is viewed merely as an opportunity to secure a new market.
机译:本文从汉娜·阿伦特(Hannah Arendt)关于消费主义崛起到政治主导地位以及随之而来的公共生活黯淡的论述开始,考虑了教育在我们“消费者社会”中的地位。然后,将Arendt对价格上涨的描述与Jean Baudrillard对标志的后现代扩散以及将标志转变为商品的描述联系起来。这种激进的“象征主义”加速发展为一系列具有自我参照意义的标志,这标志着现实的丧失–它导致了图像创作背后人类主体性的消失。我认为鲍德里亚对他所描述的动态没有做出足够的反应。相比之下,我建议阿伦特的天生观念为应对商品化势力打下基础,而商品化势力使教育环境殖民化并威胁到其关键的可能性。随着青年和学校越来越受到广告商的关注,教育机构将学生卖给了商业利益者,他们寻求不受限制地接触“俘虏受众”。然而,当青年被视为消费者而不是社会投资时,教育将受到严重损害,而青年仅被视为获得新市场的机会。



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