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The Ignorant Citizen: Mouffe, Rancière, and the Subject of Democratic Education


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Much work in the field of education for democratic citizenship is based on the idea that it is possible to know what a good citizen is, so that the task of citizenship education becomes that of the production of the good citizen. In this paper I ask whether and to what extent we can and should understand democratic citizenship as a positive identity. I approach this question by means of an exploration of four dimensions of democratic politics—the political community, the borders of the political order, the dynamics of democratic processes and practices, and the status of the democratic subject—in order to explore whether and to what extent the ‘essence’ of democratic politics can and should be understood as a particular order. For this I engage with ideas from Chantal Mouffe and Jacques Rancière who both have raised fundamental questions about the extent to which the ‘essence’ of democratic politics can be captured as a particular order. In the paper I introduce the figure of the ignorant citizen in order to hint at a conception of citizenship that is not based on particular knowledge about what the good citizen is. I introduce a distinction between a socialisation conception of citizenship education and civic learning and a subjectification conception of citizenship education and civic learning in order to articulate what the educational implications of such an ‘anarchic’ understanding of democratic politics are. While the socialisation conception focuses on the question how ‘newcomers’ can be inserted into an existing political order, the subjectification conception focuses on the question how democratic subjectivity is engendered through engagement in always undetermined political processes. This is no longer a process driven by knowledge about what the citizen is or should become but one that depends on a desire for a particular mode of human togetherness or, in short, a desire for democracy.
机译:民主公民教育领域的许多工作都是基于这样的思想,即可以知道一个好公民是什么,因此公民教育的任务就变成了好公民的生产。在本文中,我问我们是否可以以及应该在多大程度上将民主公民身份理解为一个积极的身份。我通过探索民主政治的四个维度(政治共同体,政治秩序的边界,民主进程和实践的动态以及民主主体的地位)来探讨这个问题,以探索是否和民主政治的“本质”在多大程度上可以并且应该被理解为特定的秩序。为此,我与尚塔尔·穆菲(Chantal Mouffe)和雅克·兰西埃(JacquesRancière)的想法相提并论,他们都提出了关于在何种程度上可以将民主政治的“本质”作为一个特定秩序来体现的基本问题。在本文中,我介绍了无知的公民的形象,以暗示公民意识的概念并非基于对好公民是什么的特定知识。我介绍了公民教育和公民学习的社会化概念与公民教育和公民学习的主观化概念之间的区别,以便阐明这种对民主政治的“无政府状态”理解的教育意义。社会化概念着重于如何将“新来者”插入现有的政治秩序的问题,而主观化概念着重于如何通过参与始终不确定的政治进程而产生民主主观性的问题。这不再是由对公民的身份或应成为什么样的知识所驱动的过程,而是取决于对一种特定的人类团结方式的渴望,或者简而言之,对民主的渴望。



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