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Supply or Demand? Migration and Political Manipulation in Mexico


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Collective remittances are the money flows sent by hometown associations (HTAs) of migrants from the USA to their communities of origin. In Mexico, the 3 × 1 Program for Migrants matches by three the amounts that HTAs send back to their localities to invest in public projects. In previous research, we found that municipalities ruled by the party of the federal government were more likely to participate in the Program. The political bias in participation and fund allocation may stem from two possible mechanisms: HTAs’ decisions to invest in some municipalities but not in others may reflect migrants’ political preferences (a demand-driven bias). Alternatively, government officials may use the Program to finance their own political objectives (a supply-driven bias). To determine which of these two mechanisms is at work, we studied a 2 × 2 matrix of statistically selected cases of high-migration municipalities in the Mexican state of Guanajuato. We carried out over 60 semistructured interviews with state and municipal Program administrators, local politicians, and migrant leaders from these municipalities. Our qualitative study indicates that migrant leaders are clearly pragmatic and that the political bias found is driven by elected officials strategically using the Program. The bias in favor of political strongholds is reinforced by the Program’s requirements for cooperation among different levels of government. This study casts doubt about the effectiveness of public–private partnerships as valid formulas to reduce political manipulation. It also questions the ability of matching grant programs to reach the areas where public resources are most needed.
机译:集体汇款是从美国移民到其原籍社区的家乡协会(HTA)寄出的资金。在墨西哥,“ 3×1移民计划”将HTA发送回其所在地以投资公共项目的金额匹配三倍。在先前的研究中,我们发现由联邦政府党统治的市政当局更有可能参与该计划。在参与和资金分配方面的政治偏见可能源于两种可能的机制:HTA决定在一些市政当局进行投资而不在其他市政当局进行投资的决定可能反映了移民的政治偏好(需求驱动的偏见)。或者,政府官员可以使用该计划资助其自身的政治目标(由供应驱动的偏见)。为了确定这两种机制中的哪一种起作用,我们研究了墨西哥瓜纳华托州高迁移率城市的统计选择病例的2×2矩阵。我们与州和市政计划管理员,当地政客以及这些城市的移民领袖进行了60多次半结构化访谈。我们的定性研究表明,移民领袖显然是务实的,发现的政治偏见是由当选官员从战略上使用该计划驱动的。该计划对各级政府之间合作的要求进一步加剧了人们偏向政治据点的偏见。这项研究令人怀疑公私伙伴关系作为减少政治操纵的有效公式的有效性。它还质疑匹配拨款计划以达到最需要公共资源的领域的能力。



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