首页> 外文期刊>Structural Control and Health Monitoring >Uncertainty quantification for model parameters and hidden state variables in Bayesian dynamic linear models

Uncertainty quantification for model parameters and hidden state variables in Bayesian dynamic linear models


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The quantification of uncertainty associated with the model parameters and the hidden state variables is a key missing aspect for the existing Bayesian dynamic linear models. This paper proposes two methods for carrying out the uncertainty quantification task: (a) the maximum a posteriori with the Laplace approximation procedure (LAP-P) and (b) the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo procedure (HMC-P). A comparative study of LAP-P with HMC-P is conducted on simulated data as well as real data collected on a dam in Canada. The results show that the LAP-P is capable to provide a reasonable estimation without requiring a high computation cost, yet it is prone to be trapped in local maxima. The HMC-P yields a more reliable estimation than LAP-P, but it is computationally demanding. The estimation results obtained from both LAP-P and HMC-P tend to the same values as the size of the training data increases. Therefore, a deployment of both LAP-P and HMC-P is suggested for ensuring an efficient and reliable estimation. LAP-P should first be employed for the model development and HMC-P should then be used to verify the estimation obtained using LAP-P.
机译:与模型参数和隐藏状态变量相关的不确定性的量化是现有贝叶斯动态线性模型缺少的关键方面。本文提出了两种执行不确定性量化任务的方法:(a)使用拉普拉斯逼近过程(LAP-P)的最大后验概率;(b)哈密顿蒙特卡洛过程(HMC-P)。对LAP-P与HMC-P的比较研究在模拟数据以及在加拿大的大坝上收集的实际数据上进行。结果表明,LAP-P能够提供合理的估计,而无需高昂的计算成本,但它易于陷入局部最大值。 HMC-P产生的估计比LAP-P更可靠,但计算要求很高。当训练数据的大小增加时,从LAP-P和HMC-P获得的估计结果趋向于相同的值。因此,建议同时部署LAP-P和HMC-P以确保有效和可靠的估计。首先应将LAP-P用于模型开发,然后应使用HMC-P来验证使用LAP-P获得的估计。



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