首页> 外文期刊>Structural Control and Health Monitoring >Optimal design of friction pendulum tuned mass damper with varying friction coefficient

Optimal design of friction pendulum tuned mass damper with varying friction coefficient


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Tuned mass dampers with viscous damping and isolation systems with friction pendulums have been proposed andnwidely applied over the past several decades. By combining these two ideas, a friction pendulum tuned massndamper (FPTMD) is proposed in this study. Because the restoring and friction forces are provided by the sphericalnsurface of the FPTMD, springs and dampers are not needed. Moreover, suspension is not necessary and theninstallation space is greatly reduced. The optimal design of the FPTMD with varying friction coefficients fornwind-excited high-rise structures is investigated. The optimization procedures are demonstrated by the FPTMDnimplemented on Taipei 101 under white-noise wind force, and the optimization results are validated by threedimensionalngraphs. From the results of the sensitivity study, the effectiveness of the FPTMD with two differentnpatterns of friction coefficients is sensitive to the tuning frequency ratio but not very sensitive to the frictionnparameters. Moreover, an FPTMD with a friction coefficient that linearly varies with displacement is even lessnsensitive to the friction parameters and the amplitude of excitation. The feasibility of the FPTMD with twondifferent patterns of friction coefficient is illustrated by Taipei 101 subjected to the design wind force with a returnnperiod of 50 years. Following design optimization and numerical verification, the effect of vibration reduction fornTaipei 101 is demonstrated. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:在过去的几十年中,已经提出了带有粘性阻尼的调谐质量阻尼器和带有摩擦摆的隔离系统,并在全球得到广泛应用。通过结合这两个想法,在这项研究中提出了一种摩擦摆调谐的毒刺(FPTMD)。由于恢复力和摩擦力是由FPTMD的球形表面提供的,因此不需要弹簧和阻尼器。而且,不需要悬挂,因此大大减小了安装空间。研究了风振高层结构中摩擦系数变化的FPTMD的优化设计。通过在台北台北101号飞机上在白噪声风力作用下实现的FPTMD验证了优化程序,并通过三维三维图验证了优化结果。从灵敏度研究的结果来看,具有两种不同摩擦系数模式的FPTMD的有效性对调谐频率比敏感,但对摩擦参数却不十分敏感。而且,摩擦系数随位移线性变化的FPTMD甚至对摩擦参数和激励幅度不敏感。台北101经受了50年的设计风力,说明了摩擦系数有两种不同模式的FPTMD的可行性。通过设计优化和数值验证,证明了台北101的减振效果。版权所有©2012 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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