首页> 外文期刊>Structural change and economic dynamics >Understanding agricultural growth in China: An international perspective

Understanding agricultural growth in China: An international perspective


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This paper studies the evolution of the agricultural sector in the Chinese economy, with a comparison to a number of selected economies that are at different stages of economic development. It shows that China's unprecedented agricultural growth comparing to other emerging and developed countries was mainly driven by its world-beating productivity improvement, resulting from a series of fundamental reforms that have been undertaken in the Chinese agricultural sector since 1978. Despite the remarkable achievement, however, agriculture is playing a diminishing role in the growing Chinese economy, including declining agricultural employment. The paper illustrates that, as in other developed countries, the decline trend in China is an outcome of market forces in balancing various demands and supplies for goods and services as income rises. The research results will have important implications for further policy designs that seek to maintain a healthy agricultural growth in China in the future. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:本文研究了中国经济中农业部门的演变,并与处于经济发展不同阶段的若干选定经济体进行了比较。它表明,与其他新兴国家和发达国家相比,中国农业空前的增长主要是由于自1978年以来中国农业部门进行了一系列根本性改革,推动了其生产率获得世界领先的提高。然而,尽管取得了令人瞩目的成就,农业在中国经济增长中所扮演的角色逐渐减弱,包括农业就业人数下降。该文件说明,与其他发达国家一样,中国的下降趋势是市场力量随着收入的增加平衡商品和服务的各种需求和供给的结果。研究结果将对未来旨在保持中国农业健康增长的进一步政策设计具有重要意义。 (C)2018 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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