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US unveils blueprint for returning to the Moon


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NASA plans to spend $100 billion over 12 years to land humans back on the Moon in 2018 in what resembles a 'back to the future' Apollo Mk2 venture, using a new generation fleet of vehicles based on Space Shuttle hardware and an Apollo-like Crew Exploration Vehicle carrying four crew to the lunar surface for a 14 day stay. The last human exploration of the Moon took place on the Apollo 17 mission in December 1972, the sixth landing mission in which 12 men walked on the surface of the Moon. Included in the new hardware will be an ambitious lunar laboratory which will be used over a series of expeditions to demonstrate the use of lunar resources in providing water, fuel and other commodities.
机译:美国宇航局计划在12年内花费1000亿美元,使人类在2018年重返月球,这类似于``回到未来''的Apollo Mk2冒险,使用基于航天飞机硬件和类似Apollo的乘员的新一代车队探员车载着四名机组人员到月球表面停留14天。上一次人类对月球的探索发生在1972年12月的阿波罗17号任务上,这是第六次登陆任务,其中有12个人在月球表面行走。新硬件中将包括一个雄心勃勃的月球实验室,该实验室将用于一系列考察活动,以演示月球资源在提供水,燃料和其他商品方面的使用。



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