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Eutelsat Finalizes Plans To Go Public on Euronext Market


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Satellite-fleet operator Eutelsat is entering the stock market hoping to position itself as a company promising shareholders a regular, if undefined, dividend while maintaining sales growth of 2 percent in 2005 and 4 percent per year between 2007 and 2009, company officials said. Paris-based Eutelsat, currently owned by several private-equity companies, plans an initial public offering (IPO) on the Euronext market that is intended to raise around 1.2 billion euros ($1.44 billion). The IPO, which was priced Oct. 11 at 15.25-17.75 euros per share, could raise up to 1.6 billion euros for Eutelsat's current owners if shareholders exercise their option of selling additional shares, and if Eutelsat's investment banks — Deutche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley — purchase the maximum number of shares re-served for them once the initial share tranche has been sold.
机译:卫星舰队运营商Eutelsat进入股票市场,希望将自己定位为一家向股东承诺定期(即使未定义)股息的公司,同时在2005年保持销售增长2%,在2007年至2009年保持每年4%的增长。总部位于巴黎的Eutelsat目前由几家私募股权公司所有,该公司计划在泛欧交易所市场进行首次公开​​募股(IPO),意在筹集约12亿欧元(14.4亿美元)。此次公开发行于10月11日定价为每股15.25-17.75欧元,如果股东行使其出售额外股票的选择权,以及Eutelsat的投资银行Deutche Bank,Goldman Sachs,雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers),美林(Merrill Lynch)和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)–购买了最初的部分股份后,便购买了为其保留的最大数量的股票。



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