首页> 外文期刊>Solar Physics >A Flare-Generated Shock during a Coronal Mass Ejection on 24 December 1996

A Flare-Generated Shock during a Coronal Mass Ejection on 24 December 1996


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We present a multiwavelength study of the large-scale coronal disturbances associated with the CME – flare event recorded on 24 December 1996. The kinematics of the shock wave signature, the type II radio burst, is analyzed and compared with the flare evolution and the CME kinematics. We employ radio dynamic spectra, position of the Nançay Radioheliograph sources, and LASCO-C1 observations, providing detailed study of this limb event. The obtained velocity of the shock wave is significantly higher than the contemporaneous CME velocity (1000 and 235 km s−1, respectively). Moreover, since the main acceleration phase of the CME took place 10 – 20 min after the shock wave was launched, we conclude that the shock wave on 24 December 1996 was probably not driven by the CME. However, the shock wave was closely associated with the flare impulsive phase, indicating that it was ignited by the energy release in the flare.
机译:我们对与1996年12月24日发生的CME –耀斑事件有关的大规模日冕扰动进行了多波长研究。分析了冲击波信号的运动学,II型无线电爆发,并将其与耀斑演变和CME进行了比较。运动学。我们采用了无线电动力学光谱,Nançay放射线照相仪源的位置以及LASCO-C1观测值,从而提供了对这一肢体事件的详细研究。所获得的冲击波速度明显高于同期的CME速度(分别为1000 km和235 km s -1 )。此外,由于CME的主要加速阶段发生在冲击波发射后的10至20分钟,因此我们得出结论,1996年12月24日的冲击波可能不是CME驱动的。但是,冲击波与火炬脉冲相位密切相关,表明它是由火炬中的能量释放点燃的。



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