首页> 外文期刊>Social Studies of Science >Distributed corporeality: Anatomy, knowledge and the technological reconfiguration of bodies in ballet

Distributed corporeality: Anatomy, knowledge and the technological reconfiguration of bodies in ballet


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Various specialist cultures configure bodies as complex technological devices. We know little about how exactly this is done. I focus on one of these cultures, classical ballet, to praxeologically reconstruct the conceptual, situational and material configuration of bodies as particular instruments. The technologization of the body is closely intertwined with the scientification of the practice - its ladenness with scientific knowledge about the body and an elaborate apparatus for the production of bodies. When anatomical knowledge and didactics intertwine in ballet class, this facilitates an opening of the black box 'body' for technical improvement. 'A body' becomes a plurality of (in this case, anatomically distinguished) actants. This distributed corporeality suggests that 'the body' is an assemblage that becomes apparent as such in moments of its modification. The empirical case as well as the analytical approach here give reason to reconsider the distinction between humans and non-humans that still prevails in actor-network theory and elsewhere.
机译:各种专业文化将实体配置为复杂的技术设备。我们对如何做到这一点知之甚少。我将重点放在这些文化中的一种(古典芭蕾舞)上,以人类行为学的方式将身体的概念,情境和物质形态重构为特定的乐器。身体的技术化与实践的科学性息息相关-它充满了关于身体的科学知识以及制造身体的精密设备。当解剖学知识和教学法在芭蕾舞课中交织在一起时,这有助于打开黑匣子“身体”以进行技术改进。 “身体”成为多个(在这种情况下,在解剖学上是区别的)参与者。这种分布的有形性表明,“身体”是一个在其修饰瞬间就变得显而易见的集合。这里的经验案例和分析方法使我们有理由重新考虑在行为者网络理论和其他方面仍然普遍存在的人类与非人类之间的区别。



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