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Credibility battles in the autism litigation


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That vaccines do not cause autism is now a widely accepted proposition, though a few dissenters remain. An 8-year court process in the US federal vaccine injury compensation court ended in 2010 with rulings that autism was not an adverse reaction to vaccination. There were two sets of trials: one against the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine and one against the mercury-based preservative thimerosal. The MMR story is more widely known because of publicity surrounding the main proponent of an MMR-autism link, British doctor Andrew Wakefield, but the story of thimerosal in court is largely untold. This study examines the credibility battles and boundary work in the two cases, illuminating the sustaining world of alternative science that supported the parents, lawyers, researchers, and expert witnesses against vaccines. After the loss in court, the families and their advocates transformed their scientific arguments into an indictment of procedural injustice in the vaccine court. I argue that the very efforts designed to produce legitimacy in this type of lopsided dispute will be counter-mobilized as evidence of injustice, helping us understand why settling a scientific controversy in court does not necessarily mean changing anyone's mind.
机译:疫苗不会引起自闭症现在是一个被广泛接受的主张,尽管仍有一些反对者。美国联邦疫苗伤害赔偿法院的一项为期8年的诉讼程序于2010年结束,裁定自闭症不是对疫苗接种的不良反应。有两套试验:一套针对麻疹-腮腺炎-风疹(MMR)疫苗,另一套针对基于汞的防腐性硫柳汞。 MMR故事因在MMR-自闭症联系的主要支持者英国医生Andrew Wakefield周围广为宣传而广为人知,但法庭上的硫柳汞的故事在很大程度上是未知的。这项研究考察了这两种情况下的信誉之争和边界工作,阐明了替代科学的持续发展世界,这些科学为父母,律师,研究人员和专家证人提供了疫苗支持。在法庭上败诉后,这些家庭及其拥护者将他们的科学论据转变为对疫苗法庭的程序不公的起诉。我认为,在这种类型的不公正的争端中,旨在产生合法性的努力将被反动,作为不公正的证据,这有助于我们理解为什么在法庭上解决科学争议不一定意味着改变任何人的想法。



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