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Translation of UML state machines to Modelica: Handling semantic issues


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ModelicaML is a UML profile that enables modeling and simulation of systems and their dynamic behavior. ModelicaML combines the power of the OMG UML standardized graphical notation for systems and software modeling, and the simulation power of Modelica. This addresses the increasing need for precise and integrated modeling of products containing both software and hardware. This article discusses the usage of executable UML state machines for system modeling, i.e. usage of the same formalism for describing the state-based dynamic behavior of physical system components and software. Moreover, it points out that the usage of Modelica as an action language enables an integrated simulation of continuous-time and reactive/event-based system dynamics. The main purpose of this article is however to highlight issues that are identified regarding the UML specification which are experienced with typical executable implementations of UML state machines. The issues identified are resolved and rationales for the taken design decisions are provided.
机译:ModelicaML是一种UML配置文件,可用于对系统及其动态行为进行建模和仿真。 ModelicaML结合了OMG UML标准化图形符号对系统和软件建模的强大功能以及Modelica的仿真功能。这满足了对同时包含软件和硬件的产品进行精确和集成建模的不断增长的需求。本文讨论了将可执行UML状态机用于系统建模的方法,即使用相同的形式主义描述物理系统组件和软件的基于状态的动态行为。此外,它指出,将Modelica作为一种动作语言,可以对连续时间以及基于反应/事件的系统动力学进行集成仿真。但是,本文的主要目的是突出显示有关UML规范的已识别问题,这些问题是UML状态机的典型可执行实现所遇到的。确定的问题得到解决,并提供了采取的设计决策的依据。



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