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I'm Drifting In The Clear Shallows Of The Squamish River, Eyes Gaping And Ears Pricked For


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Signs of avian life. Just 40 miles north of bustling Vancouver, British Columbia, sits one of the top viewing spots for wintering bald eagles. Six of us and a guide float through morning silence in a yellow inflatable, paddles still, our caps and woolens fending off a frigid January drizzle. Clouds shroud the glacial heads of Mts. Garibaldi and Mamquam and theTantalus Range. Mist tucks into spruce and hemlock. Someone told me you can see 60 eagles in a tree here, but I'm beginning to suspect that's as credible as the tale of the 100-pound trout. Most years, between late November and early February, 3,000 to 4,000 bald eagles from across western North America converge to roost where the Mamquam and Cheakamus Rivers join the Squamish. Like ravenous diners at an all-you-can-eat buffet, they gorge on dying chum salmon that have forged their way up from Howe Sound to spawn. The opportunistic raptors share a 1,865-acre smorgasbord, Brackendale Eagles Provincial Park, with some 150 bird species. Fifteen years ago, Brackendale heralded a world record: 3,769 bald eagles counted in a single day.
机译:禽类生命迹象。不列颠哥伦比亚省繁华的温哥华以北仅40英里,是越冬白头鹰的热门景点之一。我们六个人和一个向导在晨间的寂静中漂浮着黄色的充气艇,仍然划着桨,我们的帽子和羊毛衫抵御了寒冷的一月毛毛雨。乌云笼罩着山顶的冰川。加里波第和马姆夸姆以及塔塔卢斯山脉。薄雾塞入云杉和铁杉。有人告诉我,您可以在这里的一棵树上看到60头老鹰,但是我开始怀疑这与100磅鳟鱼的传说一样可信。在大多数年份,从11月下旬到2月上旬,来自北美西部的3,000至4,000头秃鹰汇聚到栖息地,Mamquam河和Cheakamus河汇入Squamish。就像在自助餐厅享用自助餐的食客一样,他们they着垂死的密友鲑鱼,这些鲑鱼从Howe Sound冒出来就产卵了。机会主义的猛禽共享一个1,865英亩的大型杂草,布雷肯代尔鹰省立公园,大约有150种鸟类。十五年前,布雷肯代尔创下了一项世界纪录:一天之内便有3769头秃鹰。



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