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Sarah Palin, A Nation Object(ifie)s: The Role of Appearance Focus in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election

机译:莎拉·佩林(Sarah Palin),国家目标:在2008年美国总统大选中,出场焦点的作用

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In 2008, Republican John McCain and his running mate, Sarah Palin, lost the U.S. presidential election to Barack Obama and his vice presidential candidate, Joe Biden. During the campaign, Palin’s physical appearance, including her reported $150,000 makeover, received extensive media coverage. But, could the focus on her appearance have impacted the outcome of the election? Several lines of laboratory research suggest that this focus may have been detrimental to the Republican ticket because 1) it likely undermined perceptions of Palin’s competence, warmth and morality, and 2) it may have increased Palin’s focus on her own appearance, which, consistent with research on self-objectification, likely impaired the competency of her actual performance. Voting research supports the importance of candidates’ perceived competence and character. Thus, while acknowledging the diverse influences on an election’s outcome, a strong empirical case can be made that people objected to Sarah Palin (and therefore, John McCain), in part, because she was objectified. In contrast, there is no evidence to suggest that men suffer these same consequences when others, or they themselves, focus on their appearance. Therefore, it is not likely that the Democratic Obama-Biden ticket was hurt by these same factors.
机译:2008年,共和党人约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)及其竞选伙伴莎拉·佩林(Sarah Palin)在美国总统大选中输给了巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama)及其副总统候选人乔·拜登(Joe Biden)。在竞选期间,佩林的身形,包括据报道的15万美元改头换面,得到了媒体的广泛报道。但是,对她的外表的关注会不会影响选举结果?几项实验室研究表明,这种关注点可能对共和党不利,因为1)它可能破坏了对佩林的能力,热情和道德的认识,并且2)可能增加了佩林对自己外表的关注,这与关于自我目标的研究可能会损害她的实际表现能力。投票研究支持了候选人感知能力和品格的重要性。因此,在承认对选举结果的各种影响的同时,可以提出一个有力的经验论证,人们反对萨拉·佩林(因此也反对约翰·麦凯恩),部分原因是她被反对。相比之下,没有证据表明男人在他人或他们自己关注自己的外表时会遭受同样的后果。因此,这些相同的因素不太可能使民主党的奥巴马·拜登的票受到伤害。



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