首页> 外文期刊>Sensors Journal, IEEE >Enhanced Tracking System Based on Micro Inertial Measurements Unit to Measure Sensorimotor Responses in Pigeons

Enhanced Tracking System Based on Micro Inertial Measurements Unit to Measure Sensorimotor Responses in Pigeons


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The ability to orientate and navigate is critically important for the survival of all migratory birds and other animals. Progress in understanding the mechanisms underlying these capabilities and, in particular, the importance of sensitivity to the Earth’s magnetic field has, thus far, been constrained by the limited number of techniques available for the analysis of often complex behavioral responses. Methods used to track the movements of animals, such as birds, have varied depending on the degree of accuracy required. Most conventional approaches involve the use of a camera for recording and then measuring an animal’s head movements in response to a variety of external stimuli, such as changes in magnetic fields. However, video tracking analysis (VTA) will generally provide only a 2D tracking of head angle. Moreover, such a video analysis can only provide information about movements when the head is in view of the camera. In order to overcome these limitations, the novel invention reported here utilizes a lightweight (<10 g) inertial measurement unit (IMU), positioned on the head of a homing pigeon, which contains a sensor with tri-axial orthogonal accelerometers, gyroscopes, and magnetometers. This highly compact ( 20.3×12.7×3 mm) system can be programmed and calibrated to provide measurements of the three rotational angles (roll, pitch, and yaw) simultaneously, eliminating any drift, i.e., the movement of the pigeon’s head is determined by detecting and estimating the directions of motion at all angles (even those outside the defined areas of tracking). Using an existing VTA approach as a baseline for comparison, it is demonstrated that the IMU technology can comprehensively track a pigeon’s normal head movements with greater precision and in all three axes.
机译:定向和导航的能力对于所有候鸟和其他动物的生存至关重要。到目前为止,由于对用于分析通常复杂的行为反应的技术的限制有限,因此在理解这些功能的机制,尤其是对地球磁场的敏感性的重要性方面取得了进展。用于跟踪动物(例如鸟类)运动的方法根据所需的准确度而有所不同。大多数常规方法都涉及使用摄像机进行记录,然后响应各种外部刺激(例如磁场变化)来测量动物的头部运动。但是,视频跟踪分析(VTA)通常将仅提供头角的2D跟踪。而且,这样的视频分析只能在头部在摄像机视野内时提供有关运动的信息。为了克服这些限制,此处报道的新发明采用了重量​​轻(<10 g)的惯性测量单元(IMU),位于惯性鸽子的头上,该单元包含带有三轴正交加速度计的传感器,陀螺仪和磁力计。这种高度紧凑的(20.3×12.7×3毫米)系统可以进行编程和校准,以同时测量三个旋转角度(侧倾,俯仰和偏航),从而消除了任何漂移,即鸽子的头部运动由在所有角度(甚至在定义的跟踪区域之外的角度)检测和估算运动方向。使用现有的VTA方法作为比较的基准,证明了IMU技术可以在所有三个轴上以更高的精度全面跟踪鸽子的正常头部运动。



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