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Compromised Survivorship In Zoo Elephants


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Wild animals can experience poor welfare when held captive (1), an effect with ethical and practical implications. In zoos, the welfare of African elephants (Loxodonta qfricana) and Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) has long caused concern. Infanticide, Herpes, tuberculosis, lameness, infertility, and stereotypic behavior are prevalent (2), and zoo elephant populations are not self-sustaining without importation (3). We com-piled data from over 4500 individ-uals to compare survivorship in zoos with protected populations in range countries. Data representing about half the global zoo population (1960 to 2005) came from European "studbooks" and the European Elephant Group (4). We focused on females as relevant to population viability (N= 786, both wild-caught and captive-bom; 302 African and 484 Asian). African elephants in Amboseli National Park, Kenya (N= 1089), and Asian. elephants in the Burmese logging industry (Myanma Timber Enter-prise, M.T.E., N = 2905, wild-caught and captive-bom) acted as well-provisioned reference popula-tions [for details, see (2) and (5)].
机译:被圈养时野生动物的福利可能很差(1),这在伦理和实践意义上都有影响。在动物园中,非洲象(Loxodonta qfricana)和亚洲象(Elephas maximus)的福利长期以来引起人们的关注。婴儿,疱疹,肺结核,me行,不育和定型行为普遍存在(2),动物园象种群没有进口就无法自我维持(3)。我们汇总了来自4500多个个人的数据,以比较范围内国家/地区受保护种群的动物园中的生存情况。代表全球动物园总数(1960年至2005年)一半的数据来自欧洲的“书本”和欧洲大象组织(4)。我们将重点放在与种群生存能力相关的女性上(N = 786,包括野外捕获和人工繁殖; 302非洲人和484亚洲人)。位于肯尼亚安博塞利国家公园(N = 1089)和亚洲人的非洲象。缅甸伐木业中的大象(Myanma Timber Enter-prise,M.T.E.,N = 2905,野外捕获和圈养动植物)充当了适当的参考种群[(有关详细信息,请参阅(2)和(5)])。



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