首页> 外文期刊>The Science of the Total Environment >Potential benefits of a spatially targeted regulation based on detailed N-reduction maps to decrease N-load from agriculture in a small groundwater dominated catchment

Potential benefits of a spatially targeted regulation based on detailed N-reduction maps to decrease N-load from agriculture in a small groundwater dominated catchment


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Denmark must further decrease the N-load to coastal waters from agricultural areas to comply with the Baltic Sea Action Plan and the EU Water Framework Directive. A new spatially targeted regulation is under development that focuses on locating N-mitigation measures in areas with low natural reduction of nitrate (N-reduction). A key tool in this respect is N-reduction maps showing how much N is removed by natural reduction processes, i.e. the ratio between the N-load out of the catchment and the N-leaching from the root zone for each spatial unit within the catchment. For the 85 km2 groundwater dominated Norsminde catchment in Denmark we have analysed the potential benefits of a spatially targeted regulation and how its efficiency is affected by uncertainty in the N-reduction map. Our results suggest that there are potential benefits of implementing a spatially targeted regulation compared to a spatially uniform regulation. The total N-load at the catchment outlet can be decreased up to 8% by relocating the existing agricultural practice according to the N-reduction map and thus without decrease fertilization inputs. A further decrease in N-load can be obtained by identifying target areas with low N-reduction where N-mitigation measures must be applied. Uncertainty on the N-reduction map is found to lower the efficiency of spatially targeted regulation. This uncertainty can be lowered substantially by using the mean of an ensemble of N-reduction maps. The uncertainty decreases with coarser spatial resolution of the N-reduction map, but this will at the same time decrease the benefit from spatially targeted regulation.
机译:丹麦必须进一步减少从农业地区向沿海水域的氮负荷,以符合波罗的海行动计划和欧盟水框架指令。正在开发一种新的针对空间的法规,该法规的重点是在硝酸盐的自然还原率较低(N还原)较低的地区确定N缓解措施。在这方面的关键工具是N还原图,该图显示了自然还原过程除去了多少N,即流域内每个空间单位的流域N负荷与根部区域N淋失之间的比率。 。对于丹麦占地85平方公里的诺斯敏德汇水区,我们分析了针对空间的法规的潜在好处,以及氮减少地图中不确定性如何影响其效率。我们的结果表明,与空间统一的法规相比,实施空间定向的法规具有潜在的好处。通过根据氮减少图重新定位现有的农业实践,流域出口处的总氮负荷最多可降低8%,因此无需减少施肥投入。通过确定必须使用N缓解措施的低N减少目标区域,可以进一步减少N负载。 N减少图上的不确定性会降低空间定向调节的效率。可以通过使用N约简图集合的平均值来大大降低这种不确定性。不确定性随着N缩小图的较粗的空间分辨率而降低,但是这同时会降低空间定向调节的好处。



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