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The Outlook Is for Warming, with Measurable Local Effects


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Our planet's climate is warming up. The effects are, for the first time, visible on a regional scale. Global warming. Few phrases elicit so much controversy today. But is our climate truly changing? And if it is, do we know why it is changing? At the United Nations, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) certainly thinks the world is getting wanner and puts much of the blame on human activity. In its 2001 Third Assessment Report, the IPCC projects that average global temperature will increase by 1.6° to 6℃ by 2100. The report indicates that, globally, the 1990s were the warmest decade on record, with 1998 the single warmest year. Accompanying this global-scale temperature increase were changes in other climate variables, such as precipitation, snow cover, glacier extent, and sea level. The changes in these variables are broadly consistent with the IPCC's estimate that Earth's surface warmed by roughly 0.6℃ over the 20th century. The 2001 IPCC report concluded that "there is new and stronger evidence that most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activity."
机译:我们地球的气候正在升温。这些影响首次在区域范围内可见。全球暖化。今天很少有短语引起如此大的争议。但是,我们的气候真的在改变吗?如果确实如此,我们是否知道它为什么在改变?在联合国,政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)肯定认为世界正在变得越来越弱,并将大部分责任归咎于人类活动。 IPCC在其2001年的《第三次评估报告》中预测,到2100年,全球平均气温将上升1.6°至6℃。该报告指出,全球范围内,1990年代是有记录以来最温暖的十年,而1998年是最温暖的一年。伴随全球规模温度升高,其他气候变量也发生了变化,例如降水,积雪,冰川范围和海平面。这些变量的变化大致与IPCC的估计一致,即20世纪地球表面变暖了大约0.6℃。 IPCC在2001年的报告中得出结论:“有新的更有力的证据表明,过去50年来观察到的大部分变暖归因于人类活动。”



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