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STS: Where the Marxist Critique of Capitalist Science Goes to Die?


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Gary Werskey writes insightfully and sympathetically of people and events he knows well—the giants of the visible college, the heroic cadres of British radical science. Many science studies scholars engage as deeply with the subjects they study—human or disciplinary—but we rarely do so on the vicissitudes of our own enterprise, notwithstanding the widespread demand for reflexivity confessions. Yet there are costs. Intimacy brings narrowness; reflection can dissolve into elegy. There is grandeur in Werskey's first movement and brightness in his second, but it is less clear how we are to hear (or view) the third. Looking down from the heights of the 1930s, when public intellectuals, with genius far beyond their disciplines, sought to remake society, or even from the foothills of the 1970s and 1980s, when noble revolutionaries would create change by living it, he sees in the present only variations on a great theme. The marginalized mandarins of modern STS scurry about, busy, but too inept theoretically to be helpful. Through its preoccupation with epistemology at the expense of political economy, this STS bears (at least partial) responsibility for the polarizing science wars. The position ascribed to modern STS, more relativist than constructivist, is seen to be at odds with the far-reaching 'scientific rationality' championed by the visible collegians of the 1930s. Overall I find the mood tragic, with a tristesse common to British intellectuals exhausted by a quarter century of Thatcherism and its Blairite version.
机译:加里·沃斯基(Gary Werskey)洞悉和同情地撰写了他所熟知的人物和事件-可见学院的巨人,英国激进科学的英勇干部。许多科学研究学者都对他们所研究的学科(人类或学科)进行了深入的研究,但是尽管对自白的要求广泛,但我们很少在自己企业的变迁中进行研究。但是有成本。亲密关系带来狭窄;反射可以分解为挽歌。 Werskey的第一乐章中有宏伟的事物,而在他的第二乐章中有光明,但我们不清楚如何聆听(或观看)第三乐章。从1930年代的高峰期往下看,当天才远远超出其学科领域的公共知识分子试图重塑社会时,甚至从1970年代和1980年代的山脚下,当时崇高的革命者将通过生活来创造改变,他看到了仅呈现一个伟大主题的变化形式。现代STS的边缘化普通话匆匆忙忙,但理论上却无能为力。通过专注于认识论而以政治经济学为代价,这个STS承担了(至少是部分)两极分化科学战争的责任。相对于建构主义,相对主义更为现代的现代社会科学的立场被认为与1930年代有形的同事所倡导的意义深远的“科学合理性”背道而驰。总的来说,我发现这种心情是悲惨的,撒切尔主义及其布莱尔派教徒在四分之一世纪中疲惫不堪,英国知识分子对此感到a恐。



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