首页> 外文期刊>School Science and Mathematics >Examining Elementary School Science Achievement Gaps Using an Organizational and Leadership Perspective

Examining Elementary School Science Achievement Gaps Using an Organizational and Leadership Perspective


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There is the tendency to explain away successful urban schools as indicative of the heroic efforts by a tireless individual, effectively blaming schools that underperform for a lack of grit and dedication. This study reports the development of a research instrument (School Science Infrastructure, or SSI) and then applying that tool to an investigation of equitable science performance by elementary schools. Our efforts to develop a science-specific instrument to explore associations between school-level variables and equitable science performance are informed by James Coleman 's tripartite notion of social capital: the "wealth " of organizations is encompassed within their social norms, informational channels, and reciprocating relationships. Grounded in school effectiveness research and social capital theory, the instrument that we report on here is a valid and reliable tool to support meso-level investigations of factors contributing to school variations in science achievement.
机译:人们倾向于将成功的城市学校解释为不倦的个人的英勇努力的标志,有效地指责那些缺乏毅力和奉献精神而表现欠佳的学校。这项研究报告了一种研究工具(学校科学基础设施或SSI)的发展,然后将该工具应用于小学对公平科学表现的调查。詹姆斯·科尔曼(James Coleman)的三方性社会资本概念为我们开发特定于科学的工具以探索学校水平变量与公平科学表现之间的关联所做的努力:组织的“财富”包含在其社会规范,信息渠道,和往复的关系。基于学校效能研究和社会资本理论,我们在此报告的工具是一种有效而可靠的工具,可支持对导致学校科学成就差异的因素进行中观研究。



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