首页> 外文期刊>Schizophrenia Bulletin >The Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale (CAPS): A New Validated Measure of Anomalous Perceptual Experience

The Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale (CAPS): A New Validated Measure of Anomalous Perceptual Experience


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The study describes the Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale (CAPS), a new validated measure of perceptual anomalies. The 32-item CAPS measure is a reliable, self-report scale, which uses neutral language, demonstrates high content validity, and includes subscales that measure distress, intrusiveness, and frequency of anomalous experience. The CAPS was completed by a general population sample of 336 participants and 20 psychotic inpatients. Approximately 11% of the general population sample scored above the mean of the psychotic patient sample, although, as a group, psychotic inpatients scored significantly more than the general population on all CAPS subscales. A principal components analysis of the general population data revealed 3 components: “clinical psychosis” (largely Schneiderian first-rank symptoms), “temporal lobe disturbance” (largely related to temporal lobe epilepsy and related seizure-like disturbances) and “chemosensation” (largely olfactory and gustatory experiences), suggesting that there are multiple contributory factors underlying anomalous perceptual experience and the “psychosis continuum.”
机译:这项研究描述了卡迪夫异常感知量表(CAPS),这是一种经过验证的新的感知异常量度。 32项CAPS量度是一种可靠的自我报告量表,它使用中性语言,具有较高的内容效度,并且包括用于量度遇险,干扰和异常经历频率的子量表。 CAPS由336名参与者和20名精神病住院患者的总体人群样本完成。总体人口样本中约11%的得分高于精神病患者样本的平均值,尽管在所有CAPS分量表上,精神病住院患者的得分远高于一般人群。对总体人口数据进行的主要成分分析显示了3个成分:“临床精神病”(主要为Schneiderian一级症状),“颞叶疾病”(主要与颞叶癫痫和相关的癫痫样疾病相关)和“化学感觉”( (主要是嗅觉和味觉体验),这表明存在异常感官体验和“精神病连续体”的多种促成因素。



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