首页> 外文期刊>SAM advanced management journal >Giving Voice to Values: An Action-Oriented Approach to Values-Driven Leadership

Giving Voice to Values: An Action-Oriented Approach to Values-Driven Leadership


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Giving Voice to Values (GW) is an innovative, cross-disciplinary, action-oriented pedagogical approach for developing the skills, knowledge and commitment required to implement values-based leadership. Going beyond the typical focus on developing ethical awareness and analysis, GW focuses on action -"what would I say and do if I were going to act on my values?" The article provides an in-depth look at the rationale underlying GW and how it is being applied in both the classroom and the corporate world. Emphasizing the program's "fit" with the intent and orientation of the UNGC and PRME, a unique aspect of the article is the inclusion of a corporate perspective, exploring how GW has been used in a variety of contexts in three well-known organizations.
机译:赋予价值价值观(GW)是一种创新的,跨学科的,面向行动的教学方法,旨在培养实施基于价值的领导力所需的技能,知识和承诺。 GW超越了通常对发展道德意识和分析的关注,而是关注行动-“如果我要按照自己的价值观行事,我会说和做什么?”本文深入探讨了GW的基本原理,以及它如何在课堂和企业界中得到应用。强调程序与UNGC和PRME的意图和方向的“契合度”,本文的独特之处在于包含了公司的观点,探讨了GW如何在三个知名组织的各种环境中使用。



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