
Question time


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There are many different styles of job interview, ranging from an informal chat to a full assessment centre held over a number of days. However, there are some basic guidelines that are valid in most situations, and these we ignore at our peril. If you don't prepare fully for the interview, you might as well not bother going. Take some time to research the organisation and the role. Remember, the more you come across as understanding the job and seeing yourself in it, the more likely you are to be successful. So check out the organisation's website, read its annual report, get whatever information you can on the role and make sure you understand it, and try to find out in advance what the recruiter will be looking for. A very common interview technique is to ask candidates what they understand the role to be, and then to ask them what they personally bring to it - you really do need to have thought about this beforehand. Read though your CV again and be ready for questions about anything you've included.



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