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New group aims to slash injuries


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Reducing accidents and injuries among workers is the aim of a new group that has officially launched on the Isle of Wight. IOSH opened its doors to businesses operating on the island in a bid to improve workplace health and safety standards. Tony Wright, chair of the IOSH Isle of Wight District, said: "Good health and safety procedures in the workplace can boost productivity, morale and profit in any organisation. It's important that businesses on the Island recognise this and realise the benefits investing in health and safety can bring." In 2010/11, nearly 50 people were seriously injured and one person was killed in work-related accidents on the Isle of Wight. Recently, a worker was seriously injured on a construction site in Newport when a crane was being dismantled. The incident is still under investigation by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), but it is accidents like this the IOSH District wants to prevent.
机译:减少在工人中发生的事故和伤害是在怀特岛正式成立的一个新小组的目标。为了改善工作场所的健康和安全标准,IOSH向在岛上经营的企业敞开了大门。 IOSH怀特岛区主席Tony Wright表示:“工作场所良好的健康和安全程序可以提高任何组织的生产力,士气和利润。岛上的企业必须认识到这一点并意识到投资于健康的好处,这一点很重要。安全可以带来。”在2010/11年度,在怀特岛的与工作有关的事故中,近50人受了重伤,另有1人被杀。最近,一名工人在纽波特的一处建筑工地上被拆除起重机时受重伤。该事件仍在由健康与安全经理(HSE)进行调查,但是IOSH区希望防止此类事故发生。



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