首页> 外文期刊>Robotica >O(n) mass matrix inversion for serial manipulators and polypeptide chains using Lie derivatives

O(n) mass matrix inversion for serial manipulators and polypeptide chains using Lie derivatives


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Over the past several decades, a number of O(n) methods for forward and inverse dynamics computations have been developed in the multibody dynamics and robotics literature. A method was developed by Fixman in 1974 for O(n) computation of the mass-matrix determinant for a serial polymer chain consisting of point masses. In other of our recent papers, we extended this method in order to compute the inverse of the mass matrix for serial chains consisting of point masses. In the present paper, we extend these ideas further and address the case of serial chains composed of rigid-bodies. This requires the use of relatively deep mathematics associated with the rotation group, SO(3), and the special Euclidean group, SE(3), and specifically, it requires that one differentiates real-valued functions of Lie-group-valued argument.
机译:在过去的几十年中,多体动力学和机器人技术文献中已经开发出许多用于正向和逆向动力学计算的O(n)方法。 Fixman在1974年开发了一种方法,用于计算由点质量组成的系列聚合物链的质量矩阵行列式。在我们最近的其他论文中,我们扩展了此方法,以便计算由点质量组成的序列链的质量矩阵逆。在本文中,我们进一步扩展了这些思想,并讨论了由刚体组成的串联链的情况。这需要使用与旋转组SO(3)和特殊的欧几里得组SE(3)相关的相对较深的数学,特别是,它需要区分李群值自变量的实值函数。



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