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A consumer-surplus standard in foreign acquisitions, foreign direct investment, and welfare


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This study scrutinizes the ramifications of the strategic use of a consumer welfare argument in regulating foreign acquisitions and foreign market entry (i) on a multinational's choice between acquiring a local firm's existing assets (via negotiations or auctions) and investing in new assets via greenfield entry, or trade, under both complete and incomplete information; and (ii) on welfare. Any foreign acquisition fulfilling a minimum output requirement imposed by the host country as part of the foreign market entry regulation is in the best interest of the multinational even when there is complete trade liberalization. A local firm appropriates a bigger share from acquisition gains in an auction, and prefers generating information asymmetries. Welfare improves with a larger scope for ex-post firm heterogeneity when the foreign market entry regulation includes a minimum output requirement for foreign acquisitions based on consumer welfare.
机译:这项研究仔细研究了在规范外国收购和进入国外市场进入过程中消费者福利论点在战略上的使用范围(i)跨国公司在选择购买本地公司的现有资产(通过谈判或拍卖)和通过绿地进入投资新资产之间的选择,或根据完整和不完整的信息进行交易; (ii)关于福利。满足东道国作为外国市场准入法规一部分的最低产量要求的任何外国收购,即使完全贸易自由化,也符合跨国公司的最大利益。一家本地公司从拍卖中的收购收益中挪用了更大的份额,并且更倾向于产生信息不对称。当国外市场准入法规包括基于消费者福利的外国收购的最低产量要求时,福利会随着企业后异质性的扩大而扩大。



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