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Can the Trade-off Theory Explain Debt Structure?


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We examine the optimal mixture and priority structure of bank and market debt using a trade-off model in which banks have the unique ability to renegotiate outside formal bankruptcy. Flexible bank debt offers a superior trade-off between tax shields and bankruptcy costs. Ease of renegotiation limits bank debt capacity, however. Optimal debt structure hinges upon which party has bargaining power in private workouts. Weak firms have high bank debt capacity and utilize bank debt exclusively. Strong firms lever up to their (lower) bank debt capacity, augment with market debt, and place the bank senior. Therefore, the trade-off theory offers an explanation for: (i) why young/small firms use bank debt exclusively; (ii) why large/mature firms employ mixed debt financing; and (iii) why bank debt is senior. The trade-off theory also generates predictions consistent with international evidence. In countries in which the bankruptcy regime entails soft (tough) enforcement of contractual priority, bank debt capacity is low (high), implying greater (less) reliance on market debt.
机译:我们使用权衡模型研究了银行和市场债务的最佳组合和优先级结构,在这种模型中,银行具有在正式破产之外进行重新谈判的独特能力。灵活的银行债务在税收保护和破产成本之间提供了一个很好的折衷方案。然而,重新谈判的便利限制了银行的债务能力。最佳债务结构取决于哪一方在私人演习中具有议价能力。弱公司具有较高的银行债务能力,并且仅利用银行债务。实力雄厚的公司利用其(较低的)银行债务能力,增加市场债务,并使银行处于高级地位。因此,权衡理论为以下问题提供了解释:(i)为什么年轻/小公司专门使用银行债务; (ii)大型/成熟公司为何采用混合债务融资; (iii)为什么银行债务是高级债务。权衡理论还产生与国际证据一致的预测。在破产制度要求软弱(严格)执行合同优先权的国家中,银行债务能力较低(较高),这意味着对市场债务的依赖程度较高(较少)。



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