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Filling the Margins of CCCC 41: Textual Space and a Developing Archive

机译:填补CCCC 41的空白:文本空间和发展中的档案馆

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The copy of the Old English Bede in Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 41 is well-known for the extensive and varied texts copied into its margins in the mid-eleventh century. By carefully examining features of the marginal texts (line spacing, ink colour, page layout) it is possible to reconstruct a sequence of four stages through which CCCC 41's marginal archive developed. Doing so offers valuable insights into the possible textual relationships of the texts copied by the marginal scribe as well as insights into this scribe's perceptions of CCCC 41 itself and of the textual space that remained available to him.
机译:科珀斯克里斯蒂学院41在剑桥的Old English Bede的副本因在11世纪中叶被复制到其边缘的大量多样的文本而闻名。通过仔细检查边缘文本的特征(行距,墨水颜色,页面布局),可以重构出CCCC 41边缘归档通过其发展的四个阶段的序列。这样做可以为边际抄写员抄写的文本的可能文本关系提供有价值的见解,并为该抄写员对CCCC 41本身以及仍然可供他使用的文本空间的理解提供见解。



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