首页> 外文期刊>Rethinking Marxism >Imperialism and the Rhetoric of Democracy in the Age of Wall Street

Imperialism and the Rhetoric of Democracy in the Age of Wall Street


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This essay argues that the territorial fluidity of the process of surplus production has been accompanied by a new form of imperialism, resting on a structural separation of the processes of surplus appropriation and distribution from the processes of surplus production and a strengthening of the moment of appropriation and distribution under the control of the U.S. ruling class/es. The essay also argues that this new form can and should be understood as a form of imperialism sui generis. Contrary to a widely held view, most notably promulgated by Giovanni Arrighi's The Long Twentieth Century (namely, that the shift of the axis of power to the sphere of finance heralds a period of decline of U.S. hegemony), and contrary to the view promulgated by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri in Empire (namely, that a territorially centered imperialism is no longer possible), the essay argues that the new arrangement for the global slurping of surplus value constitutes a new project of U.S. imperialism with sufficient long-term possibilities. The essay links this new form of imperialism to the rise of a novel global crusade for bourgeois democracy on the part of the U.S. and argues that the resistance to this imperialism requires the Left, and Marxist discourse, to engage on the terrain of the idea of democracy.
机译:本文认为,剩余生产过程的地域流动性伴随着一种新的帝国主义形式,其基础是剩余拨款过程和分配过程与剩余生产过程的结构上的分离,以及分配时间的加强。和分配受美国统治阶级控制。文章还指出,这种新形式可以而且应该被理解为帝国主义特殊形式。与广泛持有的观点相反,最著名的观点是乔凡尼·阿里吉(Giovanni Arrighi)的《漫长的二十世纪》(即,权力轴心向金融领域的转移预示着美国霸权的衰落时期),这与美国的霸权主义观点相反。这篇文章指出,帝国主义的迈克尔·哈特(Michael Hardt)和尼格里·安东尼(Antonio Negri)(即不再可能以领土为中心的帝国主义),他认为,全球掠夺剩余价值的新安排构成了具有足够长期可能性的美帝国主义新项目。这篇文章将这种新形式的帝国主义与美国对资产阶级民主的新的全球十字军运动的兴起联系起来,并指出,对这种帝国主义的抵抗要求左派和马克思主义话语参与到关于资产阶级民主的思想领域。民主。



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