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The Fuss About Formaldehyde


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Most of us think of formaldehyde as embalming fluid or preservative. But formaldehyde is a chemical used in glues and adhesives, and a preservative used in paints and finishes. It reacts with phenol, urea or melamine to producernphenol-formaldehyde resins, urea-formaldehyde resin and melamine resin. PF resin generally emits much less formaldehyde than UF resin. You will see products are labeled as urea-formaldehyde-free PF products, which are indeed environmentally preferred.rnFormaldehyde is so widely used that annual international production is well over 45 billions pounds. Unfortunately, if a product off-gasses formaldehyde, it is a 'probable human carcinogen' according to the U.S. EPA. I want to underscorernthe word if, because formaldehyde in building products is not an indoor air pollutant if it doesn't get into the air, or if it off-gasses at such low levels that it is not hazardous.
机译:我们大多数人都认为甲醛是防腐液或防腐剂。但是甲醛是一种用于胶水和粘合剂的化学物质,也是一种用于油漆和面漆的防腐剂。它与苯酚,脲或三聚氰胺反应生成酚醛树脂,脲醛树脂和三聚氰胺树脂。 PF树脂通常比UF树脂释放更少的甲醛。您会看到产品被标记为不含尿素-甲醛的PF产品,这确实是环保的选择。rn甲醛的用途非常广泛,每年的国际生产量已超过450亿磅。不幸的是,根据美国EPA,如果产品释放出甲醛,则它是“可能的人类致癌物”。我想用这个词来形容一下,因为如果建筑产品中的甲醛没有进入空气,或者如果它的排放量很低而没有危险,那么它就不是室内空气污染物。



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