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Factors Influencing Science Content Accuracy in Elementary Inquiry Science Lessons


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Elementary teachers face increasing demands to engage children in authentic science process and argument while simultaneously preparing them with knowledge of science facts, vocabulary, and concepts. This reform is particularly challenging due to concerns that elementary teachers lack adequate science background to teach science accurately. This study examined 81 in-classroom inquiry science lessons for preservice education majors and their cooperating teachers to determine the accuracy of the science content delivered in elementary classrooms. Our results showed that 74 % of experienced teachers and 50 % of student teachers presented science lessons with greater than 90 % accuracy. Eleven of the 81 lessons (9 preservice, 2 cooperating teachers) failed to deliver accurate science content to the class. Science content accuracy was highly correlated with the use of kit-based resources supported with professional development, a preference for teaching science, and grade level. There was no correlation between the accuracy of science content and some common measures of teacher content knowledge (i.e., number of college science courses, science grades, or scores on a general science content test). Our study concluded that when provided with high quality curricular materials and targeted professional development, elementary teachers learn needed science content and present it accurately to their students.
机译:小学教师面临越来越多的要求,要求他们让孩子参与真实的科学过程和争论,同时为他们准备科学事实,词汇和概念的知识。由于担心基础教师缺乏足够的科学背景来准确教授科学,这项改革尤其具有挑战性。这项研究检查了针对职前教育专业及其合作老师的81堂课堂探究科学课,以确定在基础教室中提供的科学内容的准确性。我们的结果表明,74%的经验丰富的老师和50%的学生老师以超过90%的准确性教授科学课。 81堂课中有11堂(9名预备班,2名合作老师)未能为课堂提供准确的科学内容。科学内容的准确性与专业发展支持的基于套件的资源的使用,教学科学的偏爱和年级水平高度相关。科学内容的准确性与教师内容知识的一些常见衡量指标(即大学科学课程的数量,科学等级或普通科学内容测验的分数)之间没有关联。我们的研究得出的结论是,在提供高质量的课程材料和有针对性的专业发展后,初级教师将学习所需的科学内容并将其准确地呈现给学生。



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