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The rise of project network organizations: Building core teams and flexible partner pools for interorganizational projects


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This study shifts attention from project-based firms (PBFs) to project network organizations (PNOs) as increasingly important interorganizational contexts of project collaboration. As a result of organizational specialization, PNOs have emerged as generic organizational forms combining the coordination capacity of PBFs with the resource richness of networks. PNOs connect legally independent, yet often operationally interdependent individuals and organizations in strategically coordinated sets of core project teams and flexible partner pools that sustain beyond singular projects. Based on an empirical review of PNOs in film, event organizing, construction, complex product and system development, research, open innovation and international development, core features, antecedents and differentiating properties of PNOs are identified. Structural differences are related to project variety and connectivity, degree of specialization and geographic concentration of resources. Findings extend our understanding of interorganizational project coordination across fields, and the interplay of PBFs, networks and project entrepreneurship.
机译:这项研究将注意力从基于项目的公司(PBF)转移到了项目网络组织(PNO),因为项目协作的组织间环境越来越重要。作为组织专业化的结果,PNO已成为将PBF的协调能力与网络资源丰富性相结合的通用组织形式。 PNO将法律上独立但通常在运营上相互依赖的个人和组织连接到战略协调的核心项目团队和灵活的合作伙伴池中,这些合作伙伴池可以维持超出单个项目范围。在对电影中的PNO进行实证审查的基础上,确定了事件的组织,构造,复杂的产品和系统开发,研究,开放创新和国际发展,PNO的核心特征,先例和与众不同的特性。结构差异与项目的多样性和连通性,专业化程度以及资源的地理集中度有关。研究结果扩展了我们对跨领域组织间项目协调以及PBF,网络和项目企业家精神之间相互作用的理解。



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