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Web-based systems design: a study of contemporary practices and an explanatory framework based on 'method-in-action'


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This paper reports the findings of a detailed study of Web-based systems design (WBSD) practices in Ireland based on data collected over a 3-year period (2002-2005), the objectives of which were to (1) contribute towards a richer understanding of the current "real-world" context of WBSD by characterising the profile of a typical project (team size, timeframe, nature of requirements, etc.) and identifying the key challenges, constraints, and imperatives (i.e. "mediating factors") faced by Web-based system designers, and (2) understand how those contextual parameters and mediating factors influence the activity of WBSD as regards the selection and enactment of whatever design practices are therefore engaged (i.e. the use of methods, procedures, etc.). Data was gathered through a survey which yielded 165 usable responses, and later through a series of semi-structured qualitative interviews. Using grounded theory, an explanatory conceptual framework is derived, based on an extension of the "method-inaction" model, the application of which to WBSD has not been previously investigated in depth. It is proposed that this framework of WBSD issues is valuable in a number of ways to educators, researchers, practitioners, and method engineers.
机译:本文基于在3年期间(2002年至2005年)收集的数据,报告了对爱尔兰基于Web的系统设计(WBSD)实践进行详细研究的结果,其目的是(1)为更丰富的内容做出贡献通过表征典型项目的概况(团队规模,时间框架,需求性质等)并确定关键挑战,约束和必要条件(即“调解因素”),了解WBSD当前的“现实世界”背景基于Web的系统设计人员面临的问题,以及(2)了解这些上下文参数和中介因素如何影响WBSD在选择和实施因此参与的任何设计实践(即使用方法,过程等)方面的活动。 。数据是通过一项调查收集的,得出了165个可用答复,随后又进行了一系列半结构化的定性访谈。使用“扎根理论”,基于“无作为法”模型的扩展,得出了一个解释性的概念框架,该模型在WBSD中的应用以前尚未进行过深入研究。有人建议,这种WBSD问题框架在许多方面对教育者,研究人员,从业人员和方法工程师都是有价值的。



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