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Hazard Relation Diagrams: a diagrammatic representation to increase validation objectivity of requirements-based hazard mitigations


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When developing safety-critical embedded systems, it is necessary to ensure that the system under development poses no harm to human users or external systems during operation. To achieve this, potential hazards are identified and potential mitigations for those hazards are documented in requirements. During requirements validation, the stakeholders assess if the documented hazard-mitigating requirements can avoid the identified hazards. Requirements validation is highly subjective. Among others, validation depends on the stakeholders’ understanding of the involved processes, their familiarity with the system under development, and the information available. In consequence, there is the risk that stakeholders judge the adequacy of hazard-mitigating requirements based on their individual opinions about the hazards, rather than on the documented information about the system’s hazards. To improve the validation of hazard-mitigating requirements, we recently proposed a diagrammatic representation called Hazard Relation Diagrams (Tenbergen B, Weyer T, Pohl K, Supporting the validation of adequacy in requirements-based hazard mitigations. In: Requirements engineering: foundation for software quality. LNCS, vol 9013. Springer, pp 17–32, 2015). In this paper, we extend the ontology of Hazard Relation Diagrams, present their notations, and define well-formedness rules. We elaborate on the application of Hazard Relation Diagrams to visualize complex relationships between hazards and mitigations and present an automated approach to generate Hazard Relation Diagrams. Finally, we report on our empirical evaluations about the impact of Hazard Relation Diagrams on review objectivity, effectiveness, efficiency, and reviewer’s subjective confidence.
机译:在开发对安全至关重要的嵌入式系统时,必须确保正在开发的系统在操作过程中不会对人类用户或外部系统造成伤害。为此,要识别潜在的危害,并在要求中记录这些危害的潜在缓解措施。在需求确认期间,利益相关者评估记录下来的减轻危害的需求是否可以避免所识别出的危害。需求验证是高度主观的。除其他外,验证取决于利益相关者对所涉及过程的理解,对开发中系统的熟悉程度以及可用信息。结果,存在风险,风险承担者可能会根据他们对危害的个人观点,而不是根据有关系统危害的书面信息来判断缓解危害的要求是否适当。为了提高对减轻危害要求的验证,我们最近提出了一种称为“危险关系图”的图表表示形式(Tenbergen B,Weyer T,Pohl K,支持基于需求的减轻危害中的充分性验证。在:需求工程:软件基础LNCS,第9013卷,Springer,第17–32页,2015年)。在本文中,我们扩展了危险关系图的本体,介绍了它们的符号,并定义了格式良好的规则。我们详细介绍了危害关系图的应用,以可视化危害与缓解之间的复杂关系,并提出了一种自动方法来生成危害关系图。最后,我们就危害关系图对评价的客观性,有效性,效率和评价者的主观信心的影响进行实证评估。



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