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For nearly four decades, Koch Industries has spent its time quashing the labor movement, besieging the environment, and stealing oil from the Osage Indians in Oklahoma. But in June, The Boston Globe reported that Charles Koch is teaming up with liberal-donor stalwart George Soros to fund a new antiwar think tank, the Quincy Institute, due to open in September. Has this latter-day John D. Rockefeller found his inner peacenik? Charles's biography may hold some clues. He's widely considered the brains behind the family business that he took over from his father, Fred, a founding member of the John Birch Society and one of the few American industrialists who openly admired Hitler. In 1983, together with his brother David, who's now reportedly in poor health, Charles bought out the other two siblings-Frederick, a philanthropist, and Bill, a collector of luxe art and other billionaire baubles, such as bottles of wine that he was told once belonged to Thomas Jefferson. Under Charles, the company expanded from oil refineries into lumber, coal, chemicals, Brawny paper towels, Dixie cups, and more. He's now worth an estimated $54 billion.
机译:在将近四十年的时间里,科赫工业公司(Koch Industries)花费了很多时间来镇压工人运动,围困环境并从俄克拉荷马州奥塞奇印第安人那里窃取石油。但是在6月,《波士顿环球报》报道说,查尔斯·科赫(Charles Koch)正在与自由派捐助者坚定的乔治·索罗斯(George Soros)合作,资助将于9月开放的新型反战智囊团昆西研究所(Quincy Institute)。后来的约翰·洛克菲勒(John D. Rockefeller)找到了内心的和平吗?查尔斯的传记可能有一些线索。他被父亲父亲弗雷德(Fred)接管了家族企业背后的头脑,弗雷德(Fred)是约翰·伯奇协会(John Birch Society)的创始成员,也是为数不多的对希特勒表示钦佩的美国实业家之一。 1983年,查尔斯与据报目前健康状况不佳的兄弟大卫(David)一起买断了另外两个兄弟姐妹:慈善家弗雷德里克(Frederick)和奢华艺术收藏家比尔(Bill),以及其他亿万富翁小玩意儿,例如他曾告诉曾经属于托马斯·杰斐逊。在查尔斯(Charles)的领导下,该公司从炼油厂扩展到了木材,煤炭,化学品,布朗尼纸巾,迪克西杯等。他现在的身价估计为540亿美元。



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